An entrepreneur is looking to bring CBD into the mainstream. This compound has been proven effective in relieving anxiety, pain, and more without any of the negative side effects that cannabis can cause. If this idea takes off, it could change the way people manage stress for generations to come.
The “house of wise analysis” is a website that offers a variety of CBD products. The site also provides information on how to use CBD and the benefits it can provide.
Amanda Goetz has a goal in mind. She’s the founder and CEO of House of Wise, a personal wellness and CBD business, and a mother of three who’s passionate about changing the public’s perspective of CBD and cannabis usage, particularly in regards to what it can do for women and mothers.
“After experiencing the benefits of CBD in my own life, I made it my duty to find, manufacture, and distribute products that were reputable, trustworthy, and high-quality for other women.” She tells Romper, “I’m focusing on becoming a leader and champion to break down the stigmas around CBD as well as the stigmas women, particularly moms, suffer in our culture today.”
Her company’s mission, she says, is to help women take control of their sleep, stress, strength, and sex.
There are many activities and items available to assist parents find some zen when it comes to self-care. Goetz says she knows what it’s like to uncover a missing piece of the parenting jigsaw when it comes to CBD-enhanced self-care.
“I have a box of Stress gummies in my vehicle since I know I may get triggered and my cortisol levels rise while I’m taking my kids to school,” she adds.
She also attributes CBD to assisting her in achieving the holy grail of parenting: enough sleep.
“As a single mother of three, having a natural sleep aid that didn’t impair me was really vital to me,” she adds.
“I can still be aware and responsive to all of my children’s demands when they wake me up in the middle of the night.” And on the evenings when they let me sleep in, I wake up energized and eager to be the greatest parent I can be for them.”
Finally, she states flatly, “Parents need sex.”
“I’m a firm believer that we all need more orgasms,” she adds, adding that CDB has been proved to promote lubrication and desire.
“Partners aren’t required, but enjoyment is!”
Despite the fact that her products are designed to assist women and mothers in all of the areas where they need assistance, Goetz is often confronted with CBD-related misunderstandings and falsehoods.
“CBD is not the same as marijuana. “It won’t make you high, and it’s legal,” Goetz adds, clearing up one of the most common misunderstandings about the chemical.
Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a kind of chemical component that may be derived from the cannabis plant. But how does it compare to marijuana?
“Both hemp and marijuana are cannabis plants, but hemp is classified as a cannabis plant having 0.3 percent or less THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, while marijuana is characterized as a cannabis plant containing more than 0.3 percent THC,” Goetz adds.
“CBD may be discovered and extracted from both hemp and marijuana plants, but it is only lawful in the United States when it is obtained from hemp.”
Although the distinction between THC and CBD might be perplexing, Goetz wants parents to rest certain that House of Wise products will not get them high.
“Even for industry insiders, the terminology and laws are trickier, so it’s easy to become confused,” Goetz observes.
“The most essential message is that CBD is a non-psychoactive chemical, thus it will not make you high.” CBD interacts with our endocannabinoid system to improve mood and sleep control, resulting in sensations of peace and tranquillity.”
Don’t know where to begin?
“I recommend that anybody new to CBD try a variety of ingestibles to discover what taste and impact they like,” Goetz explains.
“At House of Wise, it includes experimenting with gummies and tinctures. Capsules for CBD use are available from other companies.”
The gummies are a “popular favorite,” according to Goetz, because of their taste (they collaborated with a culinary expert to develop the greatest varieties) and simplicity of usage. Gummies may take up to 40 minutes to take effect, so CBD tinctures are another option to consider if you’re seeking for a faster impact (without the additional sweeteners). You may also combine the two sorts of merchandise.
With so much misinformation floating around in such a young and developing market, beginning a CBD firm posed its own set of hurdles.
“Because the CBD sector has a lot of red tape, I’ve made it a point to engage with other entrepreneurs and thought leaders in the field so that we can work together to figure out best practices for everything from payment processing to digital advertising,” Goetz says.
Goetz also made it a point to include social justice in her company model.
“Inequality has a long history in the cannabis market. Despite the fact that whites and non-whites use cannabis at equal rates, Black Americans are arrested for cannabis crimes at roughly four times the rate of whites, she claims. As a result, House of Wise distributes a percentage of its monthly sales earnings to the Last Prisoner Project, a charitable organization.
“We have a grant foundation for single moms and children harmed by detained cannabis inmates thanks to our relationship with Last Prisoner Project.” Grant recipients who are members of the Last Prisoner Project’s network are allowed entire flexibility and authority to utilize grant monies as they see fit, whether for rent, energy bills, food, or school supplies, according to Goetz.
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This Entrepreneur Thinks CBD Is the Answer To Mom Stress. Reference: house of wise cbd overviews.
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